Do What He says

One morning I read these verses.  There were six waterpots in the story and in my doodling, I doodled six.  But when I decided to draw this photo, I drew one waterpot.

Mary told the servants to "do what He says" and they obeyed Jesus.  They did what He said.

Society today tells us to:

-do whatcha feel

-do what makes you happy

-do you boo

-do your own thing

-do what you feel is best

-do whatever you will to do

But the mother of Jesus simply said "do what He tells you" and the servants obeyed and the water they put into the waterpot was no longer water.

The water was changed.

And isn't that what happens to us when we obey His word. We are changed by obeying His word.

...just like that. doing what He says.

...what He says.

...He says.

And there is so much that He says in His book.

Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. -John 2:7

For all the 31 Days of Drawing His Holy Word post, click here

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