Branding and Blogging

I took a branding questionnaire some time back.  That thing was so mind opening!  It really helped me to focus on something with blogging.   I should say that it helped to focus on something that comes natural for me.


You see I have blogged about some of everything since 2009.  I blogged about natural hair, motherhood, and vegetarian/veganism just to name a few.

If you are trying to figure out which direction to take your blog, I strongly recommend tapping into the Branding info at the link below.

As you look around my blog, you will see that I am not the world's greatest artist.  And I am totally okay with that.  I don't claim to be anything other than an imperfect Christian.

 I really never would have imagined that I'd be blogging about art.

 But the branding questionnaire directed me to this "very good for me" discovery.

I used to teach Pre-K and my class was filled with art and creativity projects left and right.
I taught an after school Arts and Crafts program for middle school children.
I taught a homeschool art class at Michael's Arts and Craft store for awhile also.
I also created signs and posters for a Summer Program that I taught art there as well.
I have even had several people pay me to create artwork for their school, classroom and birthday party!

Blogging about art is very new to me.  I am not an expert at it, but I like art.

We recently moved to a new place and I decided to create an art space to see what kinda cool creative things that I can come up with!  When I get it all together, I will post photos.

When I found these mason jars at Target recently, I knew I wanted to use them for art supply storage.

Oh and since starting this blog, I have found the coolest art blogs and artsy instagrammers. I will put together a post about them for you soon! UPDATE  here is that post.

Are you into creating things? If so, what kind of artful things do you create?

Do you sew, knit or draw? I would love to know!

Let me know in the comment section.

You can find the author of the Branding Questionnaire here.
And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; -1 Thessalonians 4:11

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