Why It's Not All Good...

 I am going to link up with the 5 minute Friday women and write for five minutes.

Here it goes...
It's not all good because everything out there is not good.

There is a lot of good things out there but they are not all good.

You see I used to say "It's all good" all the time.

Until one day I heard someone explain that everything out there is not all good.


I am 100 percent into freedom of choice and that everyone on the planet should exercise their God-given right to live as they please.

But, that doesn't mean that everything that someone does is "all good".  ...including myself.

I totally get that no one is perfect.

But a Way has been made that when we do things that are not all that good ---things can be rectified...forgiven.  you know...

There is only One that is good.  He is all good and only good.

Actually the Bible says it best that He is "Abundant in goodness"!

Exodus 34:6 And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,

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