I was actually super happy that I was part of such a growing way of life! I mean really think about it for a minute...
I had worn my hair permed since the age of 18 and now 23 years later, I am discovering and learning what the hair that God gave me was even like.
I had no idea that my hair was curly.
But it is and I was/is and am lovin' it!
So as the bloggers and vloggers were growing, I followed right along learning and applying the info.
Various hair events came to Atlanta and I along with my aunt who is natural decided to attend.
One of those events was the MHE magazine launch.
Natural Chica had a give -away on her blog and my aunt and I signed up. And won! Whoop! Whoop! You can see that post on Natural Chica's blog here.
So we went!
Another event came up in Atlanta and Curly Nikki would be there. So my aunt and I decided to attend that one too.
At some point during that event, they make time to take photos with Curly Nikki and you know what I did. Yep, in line I went. The photo came out a little blurry but I still had a great time.
So at some point during your natural hair journey, I suggest that you attend a couple of natural hair events.
It is good to meet and greet other naturals that share this journey with you!
All the ladies were kind and friendly when they met us.
Do you have a natural hair blogger or vlogger that you admire? Are they going to be at a local event? Have you ever attended a natural hair event?
Let me know in the comment section below.
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. -Proverbs 18:24
Follow the Journey!
My Natural Hair Journey 01
My Natural Hair Journey 02
My Natural Hair Journey 03
My Natural Hair Journey 04
My Natural Hair Journey 05
My Natural Hair Journey 06
My Natural Hair Journey 07
My Natural Hair Journey 08
My Natural Hair Journey 09
My Natural Hair Journey 10
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