I found this really cool Flower Confetti on this really cool blog!

Well, seeing that Christmas is right around the corner and Christmas cards will be mailed out soon, I actually saw a need for Christmas Confetti.

Yes, Christmas Card Confetti!

I wanted to make this so much that I made it without a Christmas Card just to see what it looked like. So now when I purchase my cards, I will already know the excitement of it all! -so fun!

To begin this little project, I made a few watercolor blotches on watercolor paper.  I took the paintbrush and rubbed it over the tip of the watercolor pencils.  Doing it this way seems to make the color a little darker.

Part of the fun and beauty of this is the imperfections of the blotches which makes it perfect.
After letting the blotches dry, I used a gel pen to draw around the blotches.

I drew Christmas trees, flowers, and snowmen.  I also drew a star and star flower.
After drawing around the blotches, I cut out the shapes.

On the back of a couple of the confetti, I wrote a little note.

And voila!  You have Christmas Card Confetti!

Simply stick inside any Christmas card and let the cheer spill out!

So now you can add a little extra Christmas cheer to those Christmas cards!

This is also a great project for the kids to do.  They could glue them to the outside of envelopes or make a Christmas scene on paper.

What are some Christmas projects that you are doing this year?
Let me know in the comment section.

Luke 2:10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

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I found the flower confetti here.
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