Flashcard Replacement

While my daughter reviewed her number flashcards, I discovered that one of the flash cards was missing.

Since starting this art blog, I have accumulated quite a few art supplies.  So I decided to use the back of one of the large index cards that I had and create the flashcard replacement.

I simply outlined one of the flashcards with a pen.

I cut it out.

Then I used a Black Sharpie to write the number.  I used a turquoise pen and a colored pencil to color in the botton part of the card.

I used a pink sharpie to create the circular line at the bottom of the flashcard.

And voila! I then had a flashcard replacement.

Do you use flashcards?  Have you ever made a flashcard replacement?

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. -2 Timothy 2:15

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