Special Needs Homeschooling: Art and Literature

This piece of artwork is a treasure to me.

You see my daughter has Down Syndrome and the fact that she was able to look at this picture and bring it to conception is wonderful!!!

I love it!!

The book is entitled, Baby Sea Otter by Betty Tatham.  It is illustrated by Joan Paley.

I love books that have unique artwork and this is one of those kinds of books.
What kind of books do you use for reading with your children?
Do you use books with pictures?  If so, do you allow them to draw pictures from the book?
If you use books with no pictures, do you allow your child to draw what they have read?

Having a place for paper and markers (or any drawing apparatus) make drawing pictures from the book easy and fun.

We have a separate table for painting and this is where she did her drawing.

And I think she enjoyed this!  I know I certainly enjoyed seeing her draw it!

We read the book at her work table which also serves as my desk.
Creating art is a great way to foster a love for reading!

Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read...  -Isaiah 34:16

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